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Project Overview

My Role: UX Desiger and UX Researcher

Tools: Figma,, ProtoPie


Invitation Homes has provided an application to a specific set of employees called “Supers”. The job is to manage and track the progress of the 56,000 homes across the United States to prepare each home for future residents. The application is being used by over 250+ supers nationwide. The app's purpose is to gather and manage data and work orders for each home in the Invitation Homes Portfolio.


Description: As one of the largest single-family home rental companies in the United States of America with over 56,000 homes, it takes a lot of work and effort to manage and maintain them and get homes turned over from one tenant to the next. The application that is responsible for helping superintendents manage and organize the priority of homes needing to focus on the use and application called “Turntable.” 

The Problems:

The Problem: Efficiency in time and cost. The average time it takes a super to walk the house and find all deficiencies while documenting and creating work orders is roughly three hours per home. With this amount of time being spent, a super can only do approximately two or three houses a day with a current backlog of homes needing to be walked and turned over. To maintain profitability, the company needs to be walking and turning 4-5 homes per day. With this increased time, the company could bring in roughly an extra $1,000,000 per market per year with the new revenue savings. 



Business Objectives:
Business Objective: Reduce the time it takes to walk home while also better managing and gauging the cost of turning a house. Capture and reduce waste by reducing the overuse of materials and labor. “Reduces Taps, and Turns. 

Project Breakdown:

The Research

Room Labels and Dimensions

  • Room Labels- providing this information to the GC Created better communication as far as which rooms needed work and it further verified what work needed to be done .

  • Room Dimensions- Doing these calculations and having them easily accessible streamlined the Data input process. This improved the back and forth of measuring rooms.

  • Materials- With the Room Dimensions  users were quickly able to identify how much materials were going to be needed.(pain, Flooring, Carpet etc.)

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Property Timeline

With a focus on reducing Taps and Time we saw a 50% reduction in time spent on property. 

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Time on task breakdown

With a focus on reducing Taps and Time we saw a 50% reduction in time spent on property. 

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Project Breakdown:

The Ideas

The Ideas: “Reduce Taps and Time”
New and improved Property Information Pages
Create a more guided experience for filtering catalog details
Improve UI for viewing and adding catalog items to properties
Improved UX/UI of property work order summary pages

Property List

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Original Design



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Original Design

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Hi-Fi Design 

Property Details

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Original Design

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Scope Details

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Original Design

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Hi-Fi Design

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Hi-Fi Design

Project Breakdown:

The Prototype


This project is expected to go live in Q3 of 2022

Project Breakdown:

The takeaways

Things that went well

  • With a focus on reducing Taps and Time we saw a 50% reduction in time spent on property. 

  • With a new UI we were also able to improve Employee satisfaction with tools and software by 22% over the previous application satisfaction

  • Cost of materials, and goods was decreased by 15% with better input metrics for users

  • One unexpected benefits from the application was the reduction of training course materials and time to get new employees up to speed. The company were able to get new employees in the field faster with less oversight because of the new application. 

Lessons Learned

Initially I focused on the UI and improving the UI for our employees. If given a chance to do it all again, I would focus intitally on understand where the data is coming from and how it will be managed in the app going forward. Because this was not considerred or discussed initially I had to go back and rework the UI to accomodate the new data structure that needed to be build to support the application. 

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